Saturday, June 12, 2010

Corn Dog Day - June 12

Simple! Have a Corn Dog today!
Smart Planet CDM-1 Corn Dog Maker

Friday, June 11, 2010

Teach a child a new skill day - June 11

What new skill can you teach a child today?
Toss a ball, swim safely, use a yo-yo, a hula hoop, learn a new word.
Count, draw, make change, blow a giant bubble gum bubble?
Doesn't have to be huge! But it will last them a lifetime.
Follow the Directions & Draw It All by Yourself!: 25 Easy, Reproducible Lessons That Guide Kids Step-by-Step to Draw Adorable Pictures & Learn the Important Skill of Following Directions

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What you Think Matters Day - June 10

Does what you think matter??

Sure it does.
It affects what you say and do.
Does what you say and do matter?
Sure it does.
If you think bad things, you tend to be in a bad mood and say bad things.
If you think forward motion, you tend to move forward.
Think what you want's your choice! Think about what your thinking!
People Who Think T-shirt

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Go Barefoot Day - June 9

Very easy! Take your shoes off,
walk in some thick grass or a nice thick rug.
Enjoy the feel of soft on your feet.
Who needs shoes on  in the house on a warm day.
Barefoot Running: How to Run Light and Free by Getting in Touch with the Earth

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Banana Split Day - June 8

Banana Splits....You know what to do today!
Share one with someone!
Two spoons, one Banana Split...
Share the guilt..and calories!
Anchor Hocking Banana Split Fountainware, Clear, Set of 12

Monday, June 7, 2010

Newborn Day - June 7

What is sweeter than a newborn?
Small babies are a hope of life and a future yet to be created.
Kiss a baby today.
If you do not have one around kiss and hug a child.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yo Yo Day - June 6

The earliest surviving yo-yo dates to 500 BC and was made using terra cotta skin disks.
Have you mastered Sleeping, Looping, Off String, Freehand, Rock the Baby?
 Grab a Yo-Yo
Show the kids what it is all about!
Pulse Yo-Yo