Saturday, April 17, 2010

Do your Homework Day - April 17

Get your homework done today if you are in school.
That way you can enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Not in school?
Do you have paperwork or research still not completed?
Get it done and overwith.
Ending The Homework Hassle

Friday, April 16, 2010

Shoe Day - April 16

Take a good look at your shoes.
What do you still like and what is worn out?
Donate the good ones that you don't want anymore.
Organize the ones you want to keep.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Get It Day - April 15

Is there something that you keep trying and it doesn't work out?
Maybe it is not really the path you should be on.
Quitting may not be the answer, look for a different angle.
You may have it all there just need a new view.
Bounce your ideas of a someone that has never been involved before.
A fresh look never hurts.

Walk on the Wild Side - April 14

Try something new today.
What have you been wanting to do?
Learn something new.
Sign up for that class you have been thinking about.
Fill out an application for a job you been wanting.
Explore that interesting place that you've heard about.
Walk on the wild side.
Wild Side of Life

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

D.E.A.R. Drop Everything and Read Day - April 13

Read a book lately?
Read a magazine lately?
Read a newspaper lately?
Researched anything lately?
Today is the day.
Pick a subject and go for it.
You could just lose yourself for awhile in a great novel.
Turn off the TV and try it!
Best Sellers

Monday, April 12, 2010

Licorice Day - April 12

When we think of Licorice, we normally think of long candies.
Licorice is actually a herb in origin.
Check out Wikipedia for all the details.
Modern day folks have changed to all kinds of flavors.
Strawberry, grape, cherry and good old black.
Have your favorite flavor today!
RJ's Black Soft Natural Eating Licorice, 10.6-Ounce Bags (Pack of 4)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

No Housework Day - April 11th

No housework today!
Get out and enjoy the spring weather!
Play games with the kids.
Join friends in an activity.
Housework will still be there tomorrow!
Is There Life After Housework?: A Revolutionary Approach to Cutting Your Cleaning Time 75%