Saturday, March 27, 2010

Kite Flying Day - March 27th

Go fly a kite!
When was the last time you did that?
You don't have to get an expensive one.
Take your kids, take your friends.
Get a couple of them and have a contest.
Get outside and fly a kite!
Large Easy Flyer, T-Rex, 46" x 90"Prism Butterfly

Wear Green Day - March 26th

Wear Green Day?
I already did that on the 17th of March for St. Patricks Day!
This time add a floral print and celebrate nature.
Green grass, the trees are budding, the flowers are starting to come up.

Act Happy Day - March 25th

They say acting happy can actually turn in to Being happy.
Don't feel so great, try a smile anyway.
See what happens.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kick Butts Day - March 24th

Ok, Kick some butt today.
No, it is not a violent suggestion.
You can kick that to-do list.
Kick that cleaning you have been meaning to do.
Make those phone calls, that should have been made before.
Kick yourself into high gear.
Sometimes we all need a kick in the butt.

30 Days to Better Health (Little Kick in the Butt)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Goof-off Day - March 23rd

Goof-off Day?
Take a small vacation.
Say not just now - I'm on vacation.
For an hour, half-day, all day..
Whatever you can get away with.

Common Courtesy Day - March 22nd

Common Courtesy?
How common is it really?
When was the last time you let someone go in front of you?
They have one item at the checkout, you have a full basket.
They are paying cash and have 3 cranky kids. What would it hurt?
Opened the door for an elderly person lately?
Actually gave a decent tip to your waitress?
Wouldn't it be nice if courtesy became common again?
Common Courtesy: No Longer Common

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Fairy Day - March 21st

What is a Spring Fairy?
Like the Tooth Fairy they have a specialty.
You can often find them playing in the flowers.
As most fairies they are a happy lot.
Look around you might just see one.
Minuet in Spring Fairy Tulips Decorative Garden Flag - 12" x 18"